Red Clover [Trifolium Pratense]


Red Clover is indicated in-

  • Menopausal hot flashes, night sweats, redness
  • Mood swing
  • Osteoporosis


Red Clover extracts act as an estrogen agonist by binding to intracellular estradiol receptors. it was defined as an antiprogestin, due to the extract's inhibition of progesterone induction of alkaline phosphate, an end product of progestin activity. Red Clover increases uterine weight and decreased cervical mucus viscoelasticity.

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is a herbal extract, which is high in isoflavones (natural plant estrogens). Red Clover isoflavones mimic the action of estrogens and are widely used by women to maintain their health and vitality especially during the time of menopause. Red Clover contains 4 key isoflavones (Genistein, Daidzein, Biochanin A and Formonoetin) that help balance female hormones by mimicking the effects of estrogens in the body, which in turn help support women during menopause. Unlike traditional hormone therapy (HRT), these natural plant estrogens prefer to bond with beta estrogens receptors and show no affinity to bond with alpha estrogens receptors.

Dosage And Administration

1 or 2 capsules 1 to 3 times daily or as advised by the registered physician.


Not to be used in patients with estrogen receptor-positive neoplasias.

Side Effects

General side effects may include headache, nausea and rash. Due to its coumarin derivatives, Trifolium Pratense should be used with caution in individuals with coagulation disorders or currently undergoing anticoagulation therapy.

Pregnancy And Lactation

Not to be used during pregnancy & breastfeeding.

Therapeutic Class

Miscellaneous topical agents.

Storage Conditions

Store in a cool and dry place. Keep away from light and children.